Paul Coyne

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Paul Coyne
, Business Development (Industries)
Envetec Sustainable Technologies (Ireland)
aul Coyne is Vice President of Business Development for Envetec. Envetec is an Irish company with a global vision to create clean change. Paul gained his BSC from UCD and moved from University to roles covering both Laboratory and QA with the Kerry Group. Following this he joined Technopath Distribution in 2005 as a Technical Sales representative and ultimately covered roles of increasing responsibility before becoming Business Development Manager. In 2015 Paul joined IDEXX Laboratories where he was Sales Manager for Europe and various Distribution territories. His experience includes Pharma, Med-Device ,Food And Beverage as well as extensive knowledge of the Veterinary sector. Paul is passionate about creating clean change and is confident that we can have positive environmental impact by responsible treatment of Laboratory Biohazardous waste. Paul joined Envetec in 2022 and has recently become a My Green Lab Ambassador.
Inrolled Programs : Unlocking CO2e reduction through onsite treatment of biohazardous waste