Mohamad Hawari

Mohammed Hawari (1)
Mohamad Hawari
Recycling Service Specialist
USAID Recycling in Jordan Activity, Chemonics International (Jordan)
Mohammed Hawari is an accomplished environmental engineer specializing in solid waste management, recycling, and circular economy principles. He has a master's degree in Environmental Engineering and Climate Change and a bachelor's degree in Environmental Engineering, with over 12 years of experience in environmental engineering at reputable firms. Mohammed Hawari serves as a Recycling Services Specialist at the USAID Recycling in Jordan Activity. In this role, he is driving efforts to increase the utilization of recycling solutions in Jordan by working with private sector actors to enable them to lead the change in the recycling sector in Jordan.
Inrolled Programs : Lessons from the USAID Recycling in Jordan Activity: Incentivizing new private service delivery models for efficient recycling markets.