Co-Author: Ferrari Riccardo

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Ferrari Riccardo
Technical Analytical Procedures for The Verification Of The Quality Of Waste Management Services In A Metropolitan City: The Experience Of Roma Capitale (Italy)
Born in Bologna the 5th August 1988 he Graduated in geological Sciences in the academic year at the University of Bologna, Department of Geology. Specialized in underground fluid resources in the University of BOLOGNA start immediately to study the Earth's physical environment and in the waste sector. In 2012 start his experience at GFAMBIENTE, leading company in waste sector in Italy, where he had the possibility to improve his skills in matters applied to ecology: treatment and digestion of the solid wastes and liquids, appraisal environmental impact, realization and management of the treatment systems, administrative technical procedures in waste management, environmental legislation. Actually, is consultant for numerous companies and municipalities in terms of realization of waste plants and in the planning of the services of City Hygiene and give a just answer to every environmental problems. Planner for the realization of treatment systems, Advisory Coordinator in numerous Municipalities for the develop of waste Italian tax (Milan, Sassari, Roma and 100 more).
Inrolled Programs :