Panel Discussion #2 Shaping Global Environmental Discourse: High-Level Plenary on Triple Planetary Crisis, Inclusion, and a Just Transition in the Waste and Resource Management Sector




The world is facing a triple planetary crisis comprising climate change, biodiversity loss, and resource depletion. As we address these interconnected challenges, we must ensure that the transition towards sustainability is just, equitable, and inclusive. Action from institutions and companies is being demanded by civil society and this is only expected to grow. It is clearer than ever that a sensible waste and resource policy, no matter how modest, can make a world of difference in combating the triple planetary crisis. For some low-and-middle income countries there are other things that seem more important, but a good waste policy and a well-functioning waste management system pays for itself many times over. It is an investment in the future, in our children, in future generations. In this session, our distinguished panelists will discuss how the international environmental discourse around waste and resource management is evolving. This panel discussion aims to explore these intersecting themes. A key aspect in the discussion will be on how industry, society, and government institutions can react and act to attend to the demands and calls for action concerning the triple planetary crisis from the waste and resource management angle. The session will be moderated by Philip Heylen who will challenge the speakers to each come up with a concrete, tangible proposal, with which we can make the globe cleaner and greener in the short term.
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Novrizal Tahar
Solid Waste Management & Ministry of Forestry and Environment (KLHK)
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Kgauta Mokoena
Chief Director: Chemicals and Waste Policy Specialist Monitoring Services
Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE)
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Yang Cao
Senior researcher
SUS Environment (China)
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Prof. Muhammed Yunus
Co-founder & Chairman,
Yunus Environment Hub
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Karan Khimji
Co-Founder and Chief Commercial Officer
44.01 (Sultanate of Oman)
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Moderator: Philip Heylen

International Relations & Corporate Affairs Officer

Ackermans & van Haaren (Belgium)

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Els Van Doesburg

Former Member

Parliament and Vice-Mayor in Antwerp (Belgium)

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Aline Cardoso


Economic Development and Labor (Brazil)

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Christina Jaeger

Managing Director

Yunus Environment Hub

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Bjorn Appelqvist

STC Chair


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Louis De Poncheville

Senior VP – Waste Business Development

SUEZ (France)

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