Panel Discussion #1 Global Citizenship




This session highlights the importance of individual and collective actions in addressing climate change and promoting sustainability. It underscores the role of individuals, communities, organizations and nations in actively engaging with climate-related challenges and making a positive impact on the environment.
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Novrizal Tahar
Solid Waste Management & Ministry of Forestry and Environment (KLHK)
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Kgauta Mokoena
Chief Director: Chemicals and Waste Policy Specialist Monitoring Services
Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE)
Cao_yang-removebg-preview (2)
Yang Cao
Senior researcher
SUS Environment (China)
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Prof. Muhammed Yunus
Co-founder & Chairman,
Yunus Environment Hub
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Karan Khimji
Co-Founder and Chief Commercial Officer
44.01 (Sultanate of Oman)
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Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Prof. Muhammed Yunus

Co-founder & Chairman,

Yunus Environment Hub

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Moderator: Dr. Simon Baptist,

Global Chief Economist,

The Economist Intelligence Unit (Singapore)

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Carlos Silva Filho


ISWA (Brazil)

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Dr. Mohan Al-Hinai


beáh (Sultanate of Oman)

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Pascal Grante


Veolia Near and Middle East (United Arab Emirates)

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Eng. Ali Al Dhaheri

Managing Director and CEO

Tadweer (United Arab Emirates)

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Eng. Ziyad Al-Shiha

Group CEO

Saudi Investment Recycling Company (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)

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