Keynote Address #2 Catalyzing Impact: Building Solution Models for the Global Plastic Waste Challenge




As countries negotiate a global treaty on plastic pollution, policymakers are pushing for clarity on what solutions work, and how they can be funded. The Alliance to End Plastic Waste has a global portfolio of projects, designing waste collection systems in challenging locations, testing new sorting and recycling technologies, and demonstrating how the economics can work. In this keynote, the speaker will share successful case studies, as well as the obstacles faced, and the lessons learned.
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Novrizal Tahar
Solid Waste Management & Ministry of Forestry and Environment (KLHK)
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Kgauta Mokoena
Chief Director: Chemicals and Waste Policy Specialist Monitoring Services
Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE)
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Yang Cao
Senior researcher
SUS Environment (China)
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Prof. Muhammed Yunus
Co-founder & Chairman,
Yunus Environment Hub
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Karan Khimji
Co-Founder and Chief Commercial Officer
44.01 (Sultanate of Oman)
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Justin Wood

VP and Head

Europe, Middle East and Africa, Alliance to End Plastic Waste (Singapore)

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