ISWA Working Group on Landfills & Closing Dumpsites Task Force




This session is presented by ISWA WGL and IFC’s Task Force on Closing Dumpsites Global Initiative to highlight what we can do worldwide in assisting countries with dumpsite operations who want to reduce waste mounding by bio-mining, sorted material reuse or converting to RDF product for green energy feedstock. To reduce the volume of waste going to the dumpsites, we need to divert as much organic waste and recyclable materials as possible away from the dumpsites. Bio-mining operations, recovering of RDF, and reusing plastic waste from the waste stream at dumpsites will be discussed to show how they are related and in transitioning from dumpsites to controlled or engineered sanitary landfills operations. If executed properly, and sorted materials have their destinations, bio-mining has a potential for recovering material resources, waste volume reduction, and minimizing the environmental risks from operating or remediating a dumpsite. Finally, the panelists will discuss how to finance dumpsite closure or remediation activities, along with its challenges in various parts of the world where regulations and standard of practices vary significantly.
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Novrizal Tahar
Solid Waste Management & Ministry of Forestry and Environment (KLHK)
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Kgauta Mokoena
Chief Director: Chemicals and Waste Policy Specialist Monitoring Services
Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE)
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Yang Cao
Senior researcher
SUS Environment (China)
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Prof. Muhammed Yunus
Co-founder & Chairman,
Yunus Environment Hub
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Karan Khimji
Co-Founder and Chief Commercial Officer
44.01 (Sultanate of Oman)
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Prof. Sahadat Hossain

Director of Solid Waste Institute for Sustainability (SWIS) & Professor of Civil Engineering Department

The University of Texas at Arlington (USA)

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Aditya Handa

Founder & MD

Abellon Group (India)

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James Law

Chair of ISWA WG on Landfill and Task Force on Closing Dumpsites, Vice President in Raleigh

NC - SCS Engineers

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Rene Rosendal

Vice-Chair of WGL, and Senior Project Manager, AV Miljø and Partner

Danish Waste Solutions (Denmark)

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James D. Michelsen

Sr. Industry Specialist

International Finance Corporation (IFC) (USA)

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Masood Mallick

Chief Executive Officer

Re Sustainability

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Moderator: Aditi Ramola

Technical Director


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