Focus Session: Community of Action against Plastic Pollution – Focus on the Marine Environment




Plastic pollution and marine litter pose a significant threat to our oceans, ecosystems, and the overall health of our planet. Recognizing the urgency of this issue, a diverse group of stakeholders and players are coming together to form a powerful Community of Action against Plastic Pollution – Focus on the Marine Environment. This coalition aims to leverage the collective knowledge, expertise, and resources of its members to drive tangible and sustainable solutions to address this global challenge. The session “Community of Action against Plastic Pollution – Focus Session on Marine Environment “will invite participants to engage in a dynamic dialogue that explores the transformative potential of collaboration across sectors. The session will provide a platform for stakeholders from the private sector, governments, civil society organizations, scientific institutions, and international bodies to share their experiences, insights, and innovative approaches. The objectives of this session are threefold: First, to foster an understanding of the multi-dimensional nature of marine litter and its impact on marine ecosystems, biodiversity, and human health. Second, to showcase successful case studies and initiatives implemented by various stakeholders, highlighting best practices and lessons learned. Lastly, to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, resources, tools and expertise among the participants. The session will feature engaging presentations from renowned experts and an interactive panel discussion to encourage meaningful dialogue and collaboration. By the end of the session, participants will have a clear understanding of the urgent need for collective action against marine litter and the diverse range of opportunities for collaboration. They will be invited to join the Community of Action, actively contribute to ongoing initiatives, and initiate new efforts in their respective domains. In conclusion, the session will serve as a catalyst for transformative change, empowering stakeholders from different sectors to combine their efforts, knowledge, and resources. Together, we can build a future where our oceans thrive, free from the scourge of marine litter.
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Novrizal Tahar
Solid Waste Management & Ministry of Forestry and Environment (KLHK)
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Kgauta Mokoena
Chief Director: Chemicals and Waste Policy Specialist Monitoring Services
Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE)
Cao_yang-removebg-preview (2)
Yang Cao
Senior researcher
SUS Environment (China)
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Prof. Muhammed Yunus
Co-founder & Chairman,
Yunus Environment Hub
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Karan Khimji
Co-Founder and Chief Commercial Officer
44.01 (Sultanate of Oman)
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Christina Jaeger

Managing Director

Yunus Environment Hub

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Bjorn Appelqvist

STC Chair


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Moderator: Aditi Ramola

Technical Director


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Oda Korneliussen

Programme Manager

Clean Oceans through Clean Communities, Avfall Norge (Norway)

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Dr. Jürgen Hannak

Head of Circular Economy Program

adelphi (Germany)

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